Sifu Paul Drake began studying T'ai Chi Ch'uan in 1985 under the tutelage of Grandmaster Tung Kai Ying in Los Angeles. A heritage of his famous grandfather, Tung Ying Chieh, and of his father, Tung Hu Ling, the Tung style of T'ai Chi Ch'uan is well known in China.
Paul began teaching in Los Angeles in 1993 and, in 1996, moved to New Hampshire where he has conducted classes in Concord, Plymouth, Laconia, and, now, Littleton. Paul has appeared in push-hands demonstrations with Grandmaster Tung in China (1999) and with the Grandmaster's son, Master Tung Chen Wei, in Hong Kong (2006).
Many former students are now teachers themselves.
Email Paul
Viki Kiman began studying t'ai chi in 1985, and is a senior student of Grandmaster Tung Kai Ying.
Before moving to New Hampshire, Viki lived in New York City where she trained in karate and women's self defense, and earned her black belt.
Viki has taught children, college students, seniors, and people of all abilities. She is happy to share her love of t'ai chi, and welcomes opportunites to demonstrate and teach.
Email Viki
Mountain River Tai Chi
3166 Dick Brown Road
Bridgewater, NH 03264
Plymouth 603-968-9017
Littleton 603-444-5515